Kader Attia
De Mon Balcon / From my balcony, 2020/2021
We are made of our horizons ... what is our horizons made of today? Especially when there is no more place to escape and nothing can remain hidden. The days carry another potency of what cannot be seen within what lies ahead. It is anger, survival, pessimism, doubt … and hope. It is a confrontation and an embrace at the same time. Since the first lockdown, Kader Attia has photographed the horizon of his everyday life. It became a slideshow for Die Balkone from the twilight photos he made from his balcony during the pandemic. They embody so many of these feelings and more that are not spoken. His everyday horizon silently reminds us what is being shifted and engrained in our body memories with the pandemic.

Kader Attia’s sociocultural research has led him to the notion of repair, a concept he has been developing philosophically in his writings and symbolically in his oeuvre as a visual artist. Repair reaches far beyond the subject and connects the individual to gender, philosophy, science, and architecture, and also involves it in evolutionary processes in nature, culture, myth, and history.