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Harry Sachs & Ini Dill / Daniel Drabek

"Bang Back", 2021

On a balcony along the six-lane street Greifswalder Straße, where red flags used to be hoisted under a different ideology, red car parts are hung.


Every three hours - like clockwork - at 9, 12, 15, 18 and 21 o'clock, the car body parts become a carillon; depending on the performers' emotional state, the following 9 to 21 chimes are more or less discordant. 'Bang Back' embodies a personal message, between the orderly melody of a carillon and the daily madness of car noise and social restrictions: What can we learn from today for tomorrow, what deficits were revealed, what does the next crisis look like?


Against the backdrop of our individual materialism in the midst of an ongoing climate crisis, 'Bang Back' reflects on solidarity, resilience and resistance, as an analogous sign of life, as a ritual signal to set out on a necessary socio-ecological transformation: what can each individual contribute in the here and now? Recommended for imitation....


-Harry Sachs


Auf einem Balkon entlang der sechsspurigen Greifswalder Straße, wo früher unter anderen ideologischen Vorzeichen rote Flaggen gehisst wurden, werden rote Karrosserieteile gehängt.

Alle drei Stunden - einem Uhrwerk gleich - um 9, 12, 15, 18 und 21 Uhr werden die Karrosserieteile zum Glockenspiel, je nach Gefühlslage der Performer sind die folgenden 9 bis 21 Gongschläge mehr oder weniger disharmonisch. 'Bang Back' setzt ein persönliches Signal, zwischen der geordneten Melodie eines Glockenspiels und dem täglichen Wahnsinn des Autolärms und der sozialen Einschränkungen: Was können wir aus dem Heute für das Morgen lernen, welche Defizite wurden offenbar, wie sieht die nächste Krise aus?

'Bang Back' fragt vor dem Hintergrund unseres individuellen Materialismus in mitten einer fortwährenden Klimakrise nach dem solidarischen Miteinander, nach Resilienz und Widerstandsfähigkeit, als analoges Lebenszeichen, als rituelles Signal zum Aufbruch in einen notwendigen sozial-ökologischen Wandel: Was kann jeder einzelne im hier und jetzt beitragen? Zur Nachahmung empfohlen....

-Harry Sachs

Harry Sachs

(born in 1974) is an artist and cofounder/director of ZK/U (Center for Art and Urbanistics). He lives and works in Berlin. As a founding member of the artist collective KUNSTrePUBLIK, he has worked as an artist, curator, researcher, and activist in the Skulpturenpark Berlin_Zentrum, in Sonsbeek Park 2016, at the Jakarta Biennale 2013, and the 5th and 10th Berlin Biennale, for Urbane Künste Ruhr, Documenta 15, and more. In 2012, along with Philip Horst and Matthias Einhoff, he founded ZK/U - Center for Arts and Urbanistics, an interdisciplinary hub for urban research and artistic practice in a former cargo station in Berlin-Moabit. Since 2015 he has been active in the artistic development of Haus der Statistik, a cooperative redevelopment of a social and cultural center at Berlin Alexanderplatz.

Ini Dill and Daniel Drabek

are dancers/choreographers and founding members of the Berlin-based artist collective “die elektroschuhe.” They have worked in theaters and projects in Austria, Italy, the Netherlands, and Germany, collaborating with artists such as Elshout & Händeler, Marco Santi, Constanza Macras/Dorky Park, Martin Kušej, Hans Falar, Roberto Galvan, Rui Horta, Frederic Flamand, and Jai Gonzales. Since 2003 they have developed their own work, which has been presented in venues such as Sophiensaele, Hau 3, Dock11, Ballhaus Ost, Acker Stadt Palast, Haus der Statistik, i-camp München, and WUK in Vienna. In 2009 they founded “die elektroschuhe” with Elly Fujita and Katja Scholz, creating a platform for interdisciplinary theater. 

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