Christoph Draeger & Heidrun Holzfeind
Songs That Make Us Cry, 2021
As our contribution, we decided to hang loudspeakers from the windows and play songs that make us cry, hoping with Albert Ayler that “music Is the healing force of the universe." Visitors and passersby can request a specific song on our list by sms or just yell up, and so expand the conversation. We don’t have a balcony to the street, but we are using our windows to display a Leonard Cohen song title with 14 letters.
-Christoph Draeger & Heidrun Holzfeind

Christoph Draeger is a conceptual artist who is working on themes of disaster and destruction and their mediatization. His projects take form in installations, video, sculpture, and photo-based media to explore issues pertaining to catastrophe and media-saturated culture. Since 2005, he has been collaborating regularly with Heidrun Holzfeind.
Heidrun Holzfeind's films, photographs, and installations insistently address questions of the documentary mode in general, and the social function of architecture and alternative ways of life that renounce consumerism in particular. Based on extensive research and realized with poetic charm, her works probe the interrelations between society and identity, between individual histories and the political narratives of the present.